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Good news! Cambridge University offers to Newfield's“UK Super Elite (G5) Program”!


Good News! Conditional Offer from the University of Cambridge to  Student of the “UK Super Elite (G5) Program”!


The Year of the Rabbit is forecasting a bright future! Our student of the “UK Super Elite (G5 ) Program” has received a conditional offer in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences from the University of Cambridge.



University of Cambridge, UK


The University of Cambridge, a top public research university in the world, is located in Cambridge, UK, with a federal system of academies.

It is one of the well-known "UK Super Elite(G5)", namely the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford , University College London, Imperial College London and the London School of Economics and Political Science, 

The University of Cambridge is the second oldest university in the English-speaking world. Its history of more than 800 years has gathered scientific giants such as Newton, Kelvin, Maxwell, Bohr, Hawking, Darwin, Turing, Wiles, Hua Luogeng, as well as literary and philosophical masters such as Milton, Byron, Tennyson, Bacon, Russell, Wittgenstein, political figures such as Cromwell, Nehru Lee Kuan Yew and 15 British prime ministers and national leaders, including Robert Walpole, the first Prime Minister. 

The University of Cambridge has a high academic status and universal influence in many fields, and is recognized as one of the world's top institutions of higher education.


Psychological and Behavioural Sciences


Introduction to the Course

Psychological and Behavioural Sciences is an interesting, extensive and flexible course, covering all aspects of psychology.

Psychology is a course with diversity,overlapping with many disciplines, such as anthropology, architecture, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy and sociology.

Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Cambridge gives students the opportunity to learn cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology and biological psychology within a broader framework of behavioral sciences.

The course includes units such as cognitive psychology, morbid psychology, linguistics, brain principles, gender, family relationship and its influence, personality, and social behaviour, etc. These extensive options allow students to conduct in-depth study on the disciplines they are most interested in.


Employment Prospects

The course of psychology at the University of Cambridge is certified by the British Psychological Association, which means that when students successfully complete their studies, they will meet the requirements of psychological qualifications.

Many graduates will continue further study , and some will also be qualified to enter the fields of clinical, teaching, forensic, and applied psychology. Many graduates work in psychology and related fields, and some work in charitable organizations.

The course units can also equip students with comprehensive knowledge and skills, and enable them to be competent for work in the areas of media, management, civil services, finance, law, and business.