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The 20th Anniversary Celebration of Newfield International Education Group Held in Hangzhou!!!

The year 2022 is a very important milestone for Newfield International Education Group. From 2002 to 2022, Newfield achieved its first 20 years of rapid development. In these 20 years, rapid growth has been witnessed in a variety of aspects: from a small New Zealand company to a Group with 11 direct branches and one Canadian international school in 6 countries, including New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States and China; from a single study-abroad service to a comprehensive international education business with five modules: "overseas education, overseas service, cooperative education, international study and study abroad"; from the initially one employee to the current team of hundreds; from cooperation with only one single university to with more than 1000 universities and institutions at home and abroad; an accumulation of the number of students served and cultivated from fewer than 100 to tens of thousands. With 20 years of journey and hard work, Newfield has not only achieved the multi-level and leapfrog development of the above "one-hundred- million", and has gained both joy and praise!



In order to fully express our gratitude and thankfulness to partners from all walks of life at home and abroad, overseas students and their parents, and all our friends, on December 17, 2022, Newfield International Education Group held a grand celebration of its 20th anniversary by the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Ms. Sha Jinghong, founder and Chairman of the Group, together with the group's team in China and the previous parents of the “World Elite Programs”, cooperative institutions and people from all walks of life, gathered in a happy and warm atmosphere. Newfield's overseas team, representatives of overseas students, and representatives of cooperative institutions shared the ceremony through live video.




At the ceremony, Ms. Sha Jinghong, founder and chairman of Newfield International Education Group, delivered an opening speech. Guests who delivered a speech respectively are Mr. Huang Xiaohang, counselor of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government and executive vice president of the Zhejiang Entrepreneur Association, Mr. Wu Jianming, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of Civil Construction and vice president of the Zhejiang Civil Construction Entrepreneur Association, Mr. Chen Shoutian, parent representative of the students of the “Toronto Elite Program”, Ms. Wang Jiali, representative of cooperative institutions and Deputy General Manager of Personal Digital Finance Department of Zhejiang Branch of Bank of China.

In her opening speech, Ms. Sha Jinghong elaborated Newfield's original mission in detail. She reviewed the development process and business development of the company in the past 20 years and expressed her sincere thankfulness to the partners, overseas students and parents who have trusted and supported Newfield for so long a time. Looking forward to the future development plan of Newfield, she solemnly announced, under the witness of the guests at the scene, that Newfield would implement the development model of senior partnership to ensure that Newfield people would serve new and old customers with more enthusiasm, and fulfill the mission of " pioneer in overseas student service and leader in overseas student family service".


Ms. Sha Jinghong, founder and chairman of the group, delivering an opening speech

In his video address, Mr. Huang Xiaohang warmly congratulated Newfield on the 20th anniversary of its founding, fully affirmed Newfield's achievements in international education in the past 20 years, and expected Newfield, under the guidance of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, to carry out the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and strengthening the country through talent. He also expected that Newfield would constantly obtain new experience and made new progress and new achievements in its effort to strengthen international education exchange and cooperation.


Mr. Huang Xiaohang, Counselor of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government and Executive Vice President of Zhejiang Entrepreneur Association, delivering a speech

In his speech, Mr. Wu Jianming expressed his admiration for the entrepreneurial spirit of the team led by Ms. Sha, Chairman of the Group. He praised Ms Sha for her strong sense of mission and responsibility in sticking to her original aspiration and focusing on international education in the past 20 years. He also affirmed Ms Sha’s constant efforts in actively fulfilling social responsibilities, financial donations to help develop education and devotion of love. He hoped that under the guidance of the national international education policies, Newfield would be guard against arrogance and rashness, forge ahead, and constantly innovate a better international education model, serve the society, empower the family, and earn a better reputation.


Mr. Wu Jianming, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee of Civil Construction and Vice President of Zhejiang Civil Construction Entrepreneurs Association, delivering a speech

Mr. Chen Shoutian delivered a speech as the parent representative of the

Mr. Chen Shoutian delivered a speech as the parent representative of the “Toronto Elite Program”. His daughter, successfully won the offer from the main campus of the University of Toronto and several other offers from other well-known universities such as McGill University, Melbourne University, British Columbia University, etc. Based on his own experiences and feelings, he analyzed the Chinese meaning of "Field" in the English version of the Group name: as a noun, it means "field" for the fact that Newfield is deeply involved in the field of international education, with the "Toronto Elite Program" and "British Super Elite (G5) Program" helping children enter the ideal world top universities. The achievements have not come easily, and the honor is unparalleled. As a verb, “field” means "acting as an off-site counterpart, handling, dealing with, and serving the on-site team members". Newfield has done this, relieving the worries of the overseas students' families, and practiced the overseas service concept of "concern, trust, and company". Finally, a story shared by Mr. Chen Shoutian made the parents at the scene echo, accompanied with constant applause. "One day, I happened to find that the signature of my daughter's WeChat was changed to 'All leaving home is for the sake of returning home'. A child who is abroad and supposed to have a childish mind has now started unexpectedly to ponder life so deeply and has such patriotic enthusiasm! I think that behind this change, lies the good edification of Newfield and the good intentions of all teachers."


Mr. Chen Shoutian, the parent representative of the “Toronto Elite Program” , delivering a speech

Ms. Wang Jiali, on behalf of Zhejiang Branch of the Bank of China, expressed heartfelt congratulations to Newfield on the 20th anniversary of its founding, and highly praised Newfield for its concept of "overseas student service"

Ms. Wang Jiali, on behalf of Zhejiang Branch of the Bank of China, expressed heartfelt congratulations to Newfield on the 20th anniversary of its founding, and highly praised Newfield for its concept of "overseas student service" that has brought about a strong sense of belonging and warmth of home for the overseas students, and for its endless efforts that have made the overseas cultivation of talents possible, which perfectly matched the concept pursued by the one-stop overseas study service advocated by the Bank of China. At the same time, she briefly introduced the significant advantages of Bank of China's overseas financial services in terms of globalization, integration and specialization, and proposed to move forward side by side with Newfield, continue to work together, and be a responsible and emotional financial escort for studying abroad.


Ms. Wang Jiali, Deputy General Manager of Personal Digital Finance Department of Bank of China Zhejiang Branch delivering a speech

In the second half of the celebration, Newfield delivered a wonderful celebration program for the guests. Mr. Zhang Jun, a famous composer and composer of the theme song of the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, and Ms. Guan Sen,

In the second half of the celebration, Newfield delivered a wonderful celebration program for the guests. Mr. Zhang Jun, a famous composer and composer of the theme song of the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, and Ms. Guan Sen, one of the Chinese Good Voice judges, jointly sang the "Newfield Song", and the song lyrics were filled with passion and enthusiasm. The family members of the Group and the representatives of the Group's employees in China contributed poems to the celebration, such as "I like to set out" and "Dream of Newfield". The "sand painting performance" has highlighted an important milestone of the Group in the past 20 years. Each program expresses deep feelings for the past and full confidence in the future!


Following the performance, a ceremony was held for equity granting to the first group of global partners (employees) of the Group, and outstanding employees were commended for their contributions to the Group.


Following the performance, a ceremony was held for equity granting to the first group of global partners (employees) of the Group, and outstanding employees were commended for their contributions to the Group.


Twenty years of trials and hardships, twenty years of growth, and twenty years of hard work will certainly turn into a fragrance all the way. As the "pioneer in overseas service for international students and the leader in family service for international students", Newfield people will continue to remember their original intentions, forge ahead, deepen international education, and make the dreams of every child and their family come true!