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No. 3
英属哥伦比亚大学(加拿大)University of British Columbia
学校位置:Vancouver/Kelowna British Columbia
学校排名 学校类型 建校时间 学校人数 国际生比例 所授学位
3 综合性公立大学 1908年 58284人 17% 学士/硕士/博士
学校特色 | School Profiles

1)英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,简称UBC,又名“卑诗大学”),不列颠哥伦比亚省历史最悠久的大学。




安全与环境 | Safety & Environments

英属哥伦比亚大学的主要校区有两处,一个为Vancouver Campus,位于加拿大第三大城市温哥华的市郊,距离温哥华只有30分钟的车程,校区占地达400公顷。这里有怡人的气候,绵延的海岸线,美丽的海洋与沙滩,是游览观光者必到之处。此外,温哥华校区还有该市最吸引人的许多学术及休闲娱乐设施,包括人类学博物馆、表演艺术中心、著名的UBC植物园及植物研究中心等;一个校区为Okanagan Campus,开放于2005年9月,是个独具特色的小型大学校园;此外,英属哥伦比亚大学还有Robson Square和Great Northern Way两个校区。

专业和课程 | Majors & Programs

会计/AccountingBachelor of Commerce in Accounting (Vancouver)

其他商科/OthersBachelor of Commerce in Business & Computer Science

工商管理(BBA)或者管理及商科本科/Commerce, Business and ManagementBachelor of Commerce in Commerce & Economics

金融/FinanceBachelor of Commerce in Finance (Vancouver)

工商管理(BBA)或者管理及商科本科/Commerce, Business and ManagementBachelor of Commerce in General Business Management

其他商科/OthersBachelor of Commerce in International Business

市场营销/Marketing Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing (Vancouver – BCom)

人力资源管理/Human Resources ManagementBachelor of Commerce in Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources

物流和供应链管理/Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementBachelor of Commerce in Transportation & Logistics

人类学/AnthropologyBachelor of Arts in Anthropology (Archaeology concentration)

人类学/AnthropologyBachelor of Arts in Anthropology (Okanagan)

人类学/AnthropologyBachelor of Arts in Anthropology (Vancouver)

艺术历史,艺术管理/Arts History or Arts ManagementBachelor of Arts in Art History & Visual Culture (Okanagan)

艺术历史,艺术管理/Arts History or Arts ManagementBachelor of Arts Art in History (Vancouver)

社会学/SociologyBachelor of Arts in Asian Area Studies

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies (Okanagan)

经济学/EconomicsBachelor of Arts in Economics (Vancouver)

经济学/EconomicsBachelor of Arts in Economics (Okanagan – BA)

经济学/EconomicsBachelor of Science in Economics (Okanagan – BSc)

历史/HistoryBachelor of Arts in History (Okanagan)

历史/HistoryBachelor of Arts in History (Vancouver)

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBachelor of Arts in International Relations (Okanagan)

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBachelor of Arts in International Relations (Vancouver)

经济学/EconomicsBachelor of International Economics

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBachelor of Arts in International Relations (Okanagan)

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBachelor of Arts in International Relations (Vancouver)

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBachelor of Arts in Linguistics

经济学/EconomicsBachelor of Science in Mathematics & Economics

哲学/PhilosophyBachelor of Arts in Philosophy (Okanagan)

哲学/PhilosophyBachelor of Arts in Philosophy (Vancouver)

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBachelor of Arts in Political Science (Okanagan)

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBachelor of Arts in Political Science (Vancouver)

心理学/PsychologyBachelor of Arts in Psychology (Okanagan – BA)

心理学/PsychologyBachelor of Science in Psychology (Okanagan – BSc)

心理学/PsychologyBachelor of Arts in Psychology (Vancouver – BA)

哲学/PhilosophyBachelor of Science in Psychology (Vancouver – BSc)

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBachelor of Arts in Religion, Literature, & the Arts

社会工作/Social WorkBachelor of Social Work

社会学/SociologyBachelor of Arts in Sociology (Vancouver)

社会学/SociologyBachelor of Arts in Sociology (Okanagan)


天文学/AstronomyBachelor of Science in Astronomy

化学/ChemistryBachelor of Science in Biochemistry (Okanagan)

化学/ChemistryBachelor of Science in Biochemistry (Vancouver)

生物/BiologyBachelor of Science in Biology (Okanagan)

生物/BiologyBachelor of Science in Biology (Vancouver)

生物技术和科学/Biotechnology and Biological ScienceBachelor of Science in Biotechnology

化学/ChemistryBachelor of Science in Chemistry (Okanagan)

化学/ChemistryBachelor of Science in Chemistry (Vancouver)

计算机/Computer ScienceBachelor of Arts in Computer Science (Okanagan – BA)

计算机/Computer ScienceBachelor of Science in Computer Science (Okanagan – BSc)

计算机/Computer ScienceBachelor of Arts in Computer Science (Vancouver – BA)

计算机/Computer ScienceBachelor of Science in Computer Science (Vancouver – BSc)

地球科学/Earth ScienceBachelor of Science in Earth & Environmental Sciences (Okanagan)

环境科学/Environmental ScienceBachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences

计算机/Computer ScienceBachelor of Computer Science in Integrated Computer Science

其他/OthersBachelor of Science in Integrated Sciences

基础数学/MathematicsBachelor of Arts in Mathematics (Okanagan – BA)

基础数学/MathematicsBachelor of Science in Mathematics (Vancouver – BSc)

物理学/PhysicsBachelor of Science in Physics (Okanagan)

物理学/PhysicsBachelor of Science in Physics (Vancouver)

统计学/StatisticsBachelor of Science in Statistics (Okanagan)

统计学/StatisticsBachelor of Science in Statistics (Vancouver)


其他/OthersBachelor of Applied Science in Chemical & Biological Engineering

化学工程/Chemical EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering

土木工程/Civil EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering (Okanagan)

土木工程/Civil EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering (Vancouver)

计算机工程/Computer EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering

电子电气工程/Electrical and Electronics EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering (Okanagan)

电子电气工程/Electrical and Electronics EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering (Vancouver)

环境工程/Environmental EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering

其他/OthersBachelor of Applied Science in Integrated Engineering

其他/OthersBachelor of Applied Science in Materials Engineering

机械工程/Mechanical EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering (Okanagan)

机械工程/Mechanical EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering (Vancouver)

采矿工程/Mining EngineeringBachelor of Applied Science in Mining Engineering


其他/OthersBachelor of Education

小学教育/Primary School EducationBEd in Elementary

中学教育/Secondary School EducationBEd in Middle Years

中学教育/Secondary School EducationBEd in Secondary