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最新QS 学校排名
No. 20
加州大学伯克利分校 ( 美国 )University of California, Berkeley
学校位置:Berkeley California
学校排名 学校类型 建校时间 学校人数 国际生比例 所授学位
20 综合性公立大学 1868年 36204人 15% 学士/硕士/博士
学校特色 | School Profiles




安全与环境 | Safety & Environments



专业和课程 | Majors & Programs

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in American Studies

人类学/AnthropologyBachelor of Arts in Anthropology

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBachelor of Arts in Applied Language Studies

艺术历史,艺术管理/Arts History or Arts ManagementBachelor of Arts in Art History

亚洲或者东亚、东南亚研究/Asia, South Asia or South East Asia Studies Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies:China

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Chinese Language

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Classical Civilizations

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBachelor of Arts in Classical Languages

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Cognitive Science

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature

其他/OthersB.S. in Creative Writing

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Development Studies

经济学/EconomicsBachelor of Arts in Economics

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBachelor of Arts in English

其他/OthersBS in Environmental Economics and Policy

性别或者女性研究/Gender or Women's StudyBachelor of Arts in Gender and Women's Studies

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Geography

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Geology

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Geophysics

历史/HistoryBachelor of Arts in History

其他/OthersB.S. in Human Rights Interdisciplinary

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBachelor of Arts in Linguistics

传媒和新闻/Media and JournalismBachelor of Arts in Media Studies

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Operations Research and Management Science

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies

哲学/PhilosophyBachelor of Arts in Philosophy

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Political Economy

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Political Science

心理学/PsychologyBachelor of Arts in Psychology

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBachelor of Arts in Public Policy

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Social Welfare

社会学/SociologyBachelor of Arts in Sociology

亚洲或者东亚、东南亚研究/Asia, South Asia or South East Asia Studies Bachelor of Arts in South and Southeast Asian Studies

应用数学和计算数学/Applied Mathematics and Computing Mathematics Bachelor of Arts in Applied Mathematics

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Astrophysics

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Atmospheric Science

生物/BiologyBS in Chemical Biology

化学/ChemistryBA in Chemistry

计算机/Computer ScienceBachelor of Arts in Computer Science

其他/OthersB.S. in Demography

其他/OthersB.S. in Energy and Resources

环境科学/Environmental ScienceBachelor of Arts in Environmental Earth Science

其他/OthersBS in Forestry and Natural Resources

环境科学/Environmental ScienceBS in Environmental Engineering Science

其他/OthersBS in Genetics and Plant Biology

其他/OthersB.S. in Geospatial Information Science and Technology

其他/OthersB.S. in History of the Built Environment

生物/BiologyBachelor of Arts in Integrative Biology

材料科学/Material ScienceBS in Materials Science and Engineering

基础数学/MathematicsBachelor of Arts in Mathematics

生物/BiologyBS in Microbial Biology

生物/BiologyBS in Molecular Environmental Biology

生物/BiologyBachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

生物/BiologyBachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology:Cell and Developmental Biology

生物/BiologyBachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology: Genetics, Genomics, & Development

生物/BiologyBachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology: Immunology and Pathogenesis

生物/BiologyBachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology: Neurobiology

其他/OthersBS in Nutritional Science

物理学/PhysicsBachelor of Arts in Physics

其他/OthersBachelor of Arts in Planetary Science

其他/OthersBS in Society and Environment

统计学/StatisticsBachelor of Arts in Statistics