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最新QS 学校排名
No. 23
佛吉尼亚大学(美国)University of Virginia
学校位置:Charlottesville Virginia
学校排名 学校类型 建校时间 学校人数 国际生比例 所授学位
23 综合性公立大学 1819年 21238人 12% 学士/硕士/博士
学校特色 | School Profiles


2)弗吉尼亚大学的毕业生被赋予加入Ivy Plus Society精英组织的资格,该组织邀请全美最具有声望的30所综合大学和文理学院的学生参与活动,包括了哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿等8所老常春藤名校,及斯坦福大学、杜克大学、芝加哥大学、西北大学、乔治敦大学、加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校、约翰霍普金斯大学、威廉玛丽学院、弗吉尼亚大学、麻省理工、加州理工、西点军校、美国空军学院、美国海军学院等非常春藤美国顶级名校,以及英国的牛津大学、剑桥大学等少数国际名校。 

安全与环境 | Safety & Environments

弗吉尼亚大学位于美国弗吉尼亚州中部的夏洛茨维尔(Charlattesville)市。从这个城市到该州首府里士满(Richmond)市仅需1个半小时,到美国首府华盛顿市需2个半小时,到邻近的Ridge山及Shenandoah国家公园仅需半个小时。根据美国《钱》杂志的报导,夏洛茨维尔市是美国最佳的城市之一。另外,美国《Point of View》杂志也评述夏洛茨维尔是美国排名第7名最佳开展事业的城市。

专业和课程 | Majors & Programs

工商管理(BBA)或者管理及商科本科/Commerce, Business and ManagementB.S. in Commerce-Management

工商管理(BBA)或者管理及商科本科/Commerce, Business and ManagementB.S. in Commerce-Accounting

工商管理(BBA)或者管理及商科本科/Commerce, Business and ManagementB.S. in Commerce-Finance

工商管理(BBA)或者管理及商科本科/Commerce, Business and ManagementB.S. in Commerce-Information Technology

工商管理(BBA)或者管理及商科本科/Commerce, Business and ManagementB.S. in Commerce-Marketing

其他/OthersBA in American Studies

人类学/AnthropologyBA in Anthropology

人类学/AnthropologyBS in Anthropology

艺术历史,艺术管理/Arts History or Arts ManagementBA in Arts History

其他/OthersBA in Cognitive Science

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBA in Comparative Literature

亚洲或者东亚、东南亚研究/Asia, South Asia or South East Asia Studies BA in East Asian Studies

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBA in Chinese language and literature

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBA in Japanese Language and Literature

经济学/EconomicsBA in Economics

经济学/EconomicsBA in Financial Economics

经济学/EconomicsBA in International Economics

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBA in Public Policy

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBA in English

其他/OthersBA in Environmental Thought & Practice(ETP)

历史/HistoryBA in History

其他/OthersBA in Human Biology

语言、文学和文化/Languages, Literature and CultureBA in Linguistic

哲学/PhilosophyBA in Philosophy

其他/OthersBA in Political and Social Thought

其他/OthersBA in Political Philosophy, Policy and Law (PPL)

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBA in Government

政治学、公共管理、政府管理及国际关系/Politics, Public Administration, Government Management and InterBA in Foreign Affairs

心理学/PsychologyBA in Psychology

社会学/SociologyBA in Sociology

性别或者女性研究/Gender or Women's StudyBA in Women, Gender, and Sexuality

天文学/AstronomyBA in Astronomy

天文学/AstronomyBA in Astronomy-Physics

生物/BiologyBA in Biology

生物/BiologyBS in Biology

化学/ChemistryBA in Chemistry

化学/ChemistryBS in Chemistry

化学/ChemistryBachelor of Science in Chemistry (B. Sc.) with Specialization in Biochemistry

化学/ChemistryBachelor of Science in Chemistry (B. Sc.) with Specialization in Chemical Physics

化学/ChemistryBachelor of Science in Chemistry (B. Sc.) with Specialization in Environmental Chemistry

化学/ChemistryBachelor of Science in Chemistry (B. Sc.) with Specialization in Materials Science

计算机/Computer ScienceBA in Computer Science

计算机/Computer ScienceBS in Computer Science

环境科学/Environmental ScienceBA in Environmental Science

环境科学/Environmental ScienceBS in Environmental Science

基础数学/MathematicsBA in Mathematics (Financial Mathematics/Graduate Preparatory/Probability & Statistics/Teacher Education)

物理学/PhysicsBA in Physics

物理学/PhysicsBS in Physics

统计学/StatisticsBA in Applied Statistics (Biostatistics Concentration)

统计学/StatisticsBA in Applied Statistics (Econometrics Concentration)

统计学/StatisticsBA in Applied Statistics (Engineering Statistics Concentration)

统计学/StatisticsBA in Applied Statistics (Mathematical Statistics Concentration)

统计学/StatisticsBA in Applied Statistics (Actuarial Finance Concentration)

航空航天工程/Aerospace EngineeringBS in Aerospace Engineering

其他/OthersBS in Biomedical Engineering

化学工程/Chemical EngineeringBS in Chemical Engineering

土木工程/Civil EngineeringBS in Civil Engineering

计算机工程/Computer EngineeringBS in Computer Engineering

电子电气工程/Electrical and Electronics EngineeringBS in Electrical Engineering

其他/OthersBS in Engineering Science

机械工程/Mechanical EngineeringBS in Mechanical Engineering

其他/OthersBS in Systems Engineering


幼儿教育/Early Childhood EducationBA in Early Childhood Special Education

小学教育/Primary School EducationBA in Elementary Education

小学教育/Primary School EducationBS in Elementary Education

其他/OthersBS in Kinesiology

特殊教育/Special EducationBA in Special Education